Category Archives: LVS

LVS Bullet Points 2021



                          from 2021            

Covid 19

Due to the CoronaVirus Pandemic, we have been restricted in how we hold our meetings over 2021 and the activities we wished to carry out. We are hopeful we will be able to resume these this year. The Society extended the 1st July 2021 membership until 30th June 2022.


Our Community Footpaths

We are pleased that the Meadow View Path has been repaired, as it was a Health and Safety matter. A kissing gate has been installed opposite Meadow View on the Capel Isaac road. We have also the Council aware that the path into the Village which arrives just above the Garage and Pen Y Bont needs maintenance, to make it passable safely,  and signage is required on the path up to the Abergorlech Road.


Community Plan.

We encouraged community feedback for discussion, on FB and the Community Website  for the review of the Llanfynydd Community Plan discussed at the Community Council meeting in October and November. We understand the Revised Plan has been adopted and will be posted on the Community Website.


The Llanfynydd Village Hall Trust.

The Hall Plot has now reopened to the Community.

The Community Council is the Sole Trustee of the “Hall Trust”, the site of the former Village hall, the Trust will be discussed as part of the Community Council’s monthly meeting.


Tea Towels.

Our “I love Llanfynydd” Tea Towels  are now sold out. As a Voluntary Constituted Community group all our funds go for Community Projects.


Help the Heroes

At a recent meet and greet Coffee time, we raised £34.50 for Help the Heroes.


Queen’s Jubilee  2nd to 5th June 2022

We are discussing how we can come together as a Community to celebrate the Queen’s 70th Jubilee, over the extended holiday period.




We wish everybody a Happy and Healthy New Year 2022

Llanfynydd LVS Bullet Points Winter 2020

Llanfynydd Community Group LVS


Winter 2020

Our Community Footpaths

We have discussed walking and marking our local footpaths, and will note the paths that require
better signage and also maintenance to become passable. We referenced the Carmarthenshire

Council maps and County Walks Leisure Time brochures.

We agreed more accessible footpaths would bring visitors into the Community, which in turn would
possibly bring trade to local businesses. We would look at roundabout walks, ability to park in the
Village, consider dog friendly walks and note different levels of ability.

Our Community Website – www.

Increased Business advertising for a small annual fee on our Community website, would finance
additional features, as discussed at our Community Meeting with WedigMedia. We will promote the
website on our FaceBook pages.

The Village Hall Trust.

The Hall Plot remains closed off from the Community. The Community Council now holds the “Hall
Trust” as Sole Trustee, this is an additional responsibility to Community Council business. The Land
Registry Office has yet to complete the registration of the Trust land, which needs to have the
boundaries confirmed as there is a small discrepancy.

Covid 19

Due to the CoronaVirus Pandemic, we have been restricted in how we hold our meetings and the
activities we wish to carry out. We are hopeful we will be able to resume these next year. The Society
will extend our current membership fee until 1st July 2021.

We wish everybody a Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year 2021.

Bullet Points for LVS Winter 2019

Llanfynydd village society logo

Llanfynydd village society logo

Winter 2019

●The Community Village Hall Trust.
The Hall Plot is still closed off from the Community. The current Trustees no longer wish to remain in control of the Trust and the Community Council are seeking legal advice as to whether they can replace the existing named Trustees and to take on the role as a corporate Charity Trustee.

● Hall Plot Action Plan and Community Engagement to discuss proposals of Transfer of the Trust to the Community Council.
The Community Council have not recently updated the Community on the progress of the Trust Transfer. The 2014 Steering Group Community Space Project onsultation papers confirming Community support for a Community Hall are held with the Community Council.

Following further contact from the AnturTeifi Brechfa Forest Community Fund, we attended a presentation of the Community Enterprise Support event in Llandysul.

We have met with CAVS (Carmarthenshire Association of Voluntary Services) of which we are members, to request advice concerning the Hall Trust and how best to proceed for the future for the Community as beneficiaries.

●Annual Trip to Cardiff.
Members joined the bus trip to Cardiff from the Village in November and enjoyed a meal and shopping.
Thank you to the organisers.

●Members Annual Luncheon.
This will be held on the Sunday 16th February 2019 at the Plough Rhosmaen.

LVS Spring 2019

LVS Bullet Points Spring 2019

Spring 2019

⦁ The Hall Plot Trust.
Our request to the Community Council for historic details to provide a comprehensive picture of the full history of the Hall Plot, has confirmed that the Community Council do not hold any further information on file. The Trustees are currently meeting with their Solicitors on how best to proceed.

⦁ Hall Plot Action Plan and Community Engagement to discuss proposals for future use of this area
We agreed that there is a need to canvas opinion in the Community. We will request the Community Council to call for an Open Community meeting.
The Trustees have now cordoned off the Hall Plot and the area is currently out of use to the Community until such time the Trustees can provide Public
Liability Insurance.

⦁ Brechfa Wind Farm Community Fund Presentation to the Community 24th January 2019 and Grant opportunities available
This event was attended by members of LVS and there appears to be a number of different grant types available. One of these is a grant of up to £500 for consultancy work to find out what our Community needs might be. There is an opportunity for Llanfynydd Community to take advantage of this.

⦁ Broadband in our Community
A Broadband meeting was recently hosted in Pontargothi by Local MP Adam Price and attended by BT OpenReach. We understand BT OpenReach had hoped to be in a position to improve the current poor quality internet reception in local rural villages but there is insufficient funding to address this issue in Llanfynydd and the surrounding area at the present time.

⦁ River Sannan – Afonydd Cymru
A representative from Afonydd Cymru visited the village in January to walk the River Sannan to see if there are any obvious reasons, e.g. visible pollution, which might explain the lack of fish in the river. We have spoken to Afonydd Cymru who would be able to help clear any potential blockages, e.g. tree branches, from the river. The web address is