Llanfynydd LVS Bullet Points Winter 2020


Winter 2020

Our Community Footpaths

We have discussed walking and marking our local footpaths, and will note the paths that require
better signage and also maintenance to become passable. We referenced the Carmarthenshire

Council maps and County Walks Leisure Time brochures.

We agreed more accessible footpaths would bring visitors into the Community, which in turn would
possibly bring trade to local businesses. We would look at roundabout walks, ability to park in the
Village, consider dog friendly walks and note different levels of ability.

Our Community Website – www. llanfynydd.net

Increased Business advertising for a small annual fee on our Community website, would finance
additional features, as discussed at our Community Meeting with WedigMedia. We will promote the
website on our FaceBook pages.

The Village Hall Trust.

The Hall Plot remains closed off from the Community. The Community Council now holds the “Hall
Trust” as Sole Trustee, this is an additional responsibility to Community Council business. The Land
Registry Office has yet to complete the registration of the Trust land, which needs to have the
boundaries confirmed as there is a small discrepancy.

Covid 19

Due to the CoronaVirus Pandemic, we have been restricted in how we hold our meetings and the
activities we wish to carry out. We are hopeful we will be able to resume these next year. The Society
will extend our current membership fee until 1st July 2021.

We wish everybody a Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year 2021.