Spring 2019
⦁ The Hall Plot Trust.
Our request to the Community Council for historic details to provide a comprehensive picture of the full history of the Hall Plot, has confirmed that the Community Council do not hold any further information on file. The Trustees are currently meeting with their Solicitors on how best to proceed.
⦁ Hall Plot Action Plan and Community Engagement to discuss proposals for future use of this area
We agreed that there is a need to canvas opinion in the Community. We will request the Community Council to call for an Open Community meeting.
The Trustees have now cordoned off the Hall Plot and the area is currently out of use to the Community until such time the Trustees can provide Public
Liability Insurance.
⦁ Brechfa Wind Farm Community Fund Presentation to the Community 24th January 2019 and Grant opportunities available
This event was attended by members of LVS and there appears to be a number of different grant types available. One of these is a grant of up to £500 for consultancy work to find out what our Community needs might be. There is an opportunity for Llanfynydd Community to take advantage of this.
⦁ Broadband in our Community
A Broadband meeting was recently hosted in Pontargothi by Local MP Adam Price and attended by BT OpenReach. We understand BT OpenReach had hoped to be in a position to improve the current poor quality internet reception in local rural villages but there is insufficient funding to address this issue in Llanfynydd and the surrounding area at the present time.
⦁ River Sannan – Afonydd Cymru
A representative from Afonydd Cymru visited the village in January to walk the River Sannan to see if there are any obvious reasons, e.g. visible pollution, which might explain the lack of fish in the river. We have spoken to Afonydd Cymru who would be able to help clear any potential blockages, e.g. tree branches, from the river. The web address is www.afonyddcymru.org.