Ar brynhawn dydd Iau yr 28ain o Chwefror 2013, roedd yr haul allan yn disgleirio er mwyn i blannu coed ffrwythau ar “Hall Plot” y pentref. Roedd palnt Ysgol Llanfynydd yna, o dan gofal garddwyr profiadol, Mr Barry Palmer a’i wraig. Fe palwyd dyllau, cymysgu’r pridd a plannu’r coed ffrwythau. Roedd Miss Hoggarth a Mrs Thomas yna i rhoi help llaw hefyd.
On Thursday afternoon, 28th February 2013, the sun shone for the planting of the fruit trees at the village “Hall Plot” The children of Llanfynydd School, under the knowledgeable eye of local gardener, Mr Barry Palmer and his wife, dug the holes, mixed the compost and planted the fruit trees. Miss Hoggarth and Mrs Thomas were seen to be giving a helping hand also.
The fruit trees were:
Pig yr Wydd – Cooking Apple
The Welsh name translates as “Goose’s Bill”, probably an illusion of the curved patterns on the side of the fruit. This cooking apple seems to do well in farm orchards in the wetter western areas.
Quince (Cydonia) – Meech’s Prolific
The large, yellow aromatic fruit of the Quince is perfect for turning into jellies or jams. It is a worthwhile addition to the fruit garden because it is easy to look after and not prone to many of the more common fruit problems.
Sunset Desert Apple
A good tasting apple, Sunset is similar to Cox.
Diolch yn fawr iawn i’r holl blant am ei frwdfrydedd, ymddygiad dda a gwrteisi ardderchog. Roedd yn esiampl gwych i’r ysgol. Gafodd pawb amser hwylus yno.
Cafwyd y prosiect yma ei ariannu gan Tidy Towns Community Led Funding.
Many thanks to all the children for their enthusiasm, good behaviour and excellent manners. They were a credit to the school. A good time was had by all.
The funding for this project has been provided by Tidy Towns Community Led Funding.
For more photos, click HERE
For more information about the trees, shrubs and flowers used, click HERE